Dental Cleaning FAQ’s

So you are thinking about getting a dental cleaning but you are not quite sure what to expect? Look no further. This article will cover the frequently asked questions about getting a professional cleaning done by dentists and what the benefits are.
Let's jump right into the frequently asked dental cleaning questions:
Q: What is a dental cleaning?
A: A dental cleaning is a professional cleaning of your teeth that is done by your dentist. Unlike brushing your teeth, it removes hard tartar from your teeth as well as stains and discoloration that cannot be removed by simple brushing.
Q: Why should I get my teeth cleaned by a dentist?
A: Getting regular dental cleanings is essential if you are serious about your oral health. It gives your teeth a deep clean while removing harmful tartar that damages your teeth and leads to mouth issues like gum disease. It is not something you can do by yourself at home, you need a trained professional to perform the procedure.
Q: How often should I get a dental cleaning?
A: At the very least, you should get your teeth professionally cleaned at least once a year. Most dentists recommend getting your teeth cleaned at least every six months. If you are dealing with oral health issues like gum disease, then you need regular teeth cleanings about once every three months. The best way to figure out what number works best for you is to discuss it with us during a consultation.
Q: How painful are dental cleanings?
A: If the thought of getting a dental cleaning sends shivers down your spine, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. The procedure is not painful in any way. The only thing you will feel is some pressure and vibrations as your dentist scrapes the cleaning tool against your teeth.
If the pressure or vibrations make you uncomfortable, inform your dentist and he/she will do whatever it takes to make you more at ease.
Q: What does the process entail?
A: It is a relatively straightforward procedure. Your dentist will start off by protecting your clothes with an apron that serves as a bib. The dentist will then start removing tartar from your teeth using a small metal tool or an ultrasonic vibration device.
After removing all the tartar and stains you will rinse your mouth. Your dentist will then polish your teeth using a paste. The paste will likely feel strange in your mouth, but a good rinsing will help you fix that.
Your dentist will then use dental floss to clean between your teeth. That will loosen up any particles that are between your teeth. Finally, we will apply a fluoride treatment to strengthen your teeth.
You might be wondering:
Neglecting your oral health will eventually lead to complex issues. There is no need to settle for a smile you are not comfortable with. If you are a good candidate for a professional cleaning, contact us and book your appointment.
Request a dental cleaning dental appointment here: or call Joel Heller DMD at (516) 764-6339 for a dental cleaning in our Rockville Centre dentist office.
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